Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Maui - Day 1

Today was interesting... Haha. Last night we stayed at Hyatt Place in Baltimore/Washington. We woke up at 4:00am, after about 2 hours of sleep. We got our stuff together, got changed, and went downstairs for the 5:00 shuttle to BWI. We had to go through security, blablabla, and then at 7:00 we took off. Did I forget to mention this is my first this was my first plane ride? All morning my stomach felt like it was tied in 50,000 different kinds of knots, and I was sooo nervous, but excited at the same time. When we finally took off after the creepy safety video, we were up in the air. Everything looks like little toys from up high, and it looks exactly like MapQuest in "aerial view." I was glued to my window for the first half hour, and then I plugged in my earphones, and started reading My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult, which is really good.:-) After about 2 hours of nothing but an ocean of clouds below, because of the storm system that was moving through the Midwest, we reached the rocky mountains, which looked amazing. I took tons of pics of them, and the desert, which was just completely uninhabited for hundreds of miles. I should soon get the pics posted. We landed in San Fransisco at 9:30 PST, and 12:30 EST, which was a half a hour early. We took off from there at 1:50 PST, and headed across the Pacific Ocean. The ocean looked awesome from the plane, and the clouds looked like they were just floating across the water. We finally landed on Maui at 4:00pm Hawaiian time, which is 10:00pm EST. This was the first time the landing actually hurt my ears. It felt like pins were being shoved inside, and I felt like my ears were gonna blow up. The airport here was a lot different, like something that would be in a 3rd world country, it was very small, with no AC, and it was just a roof with 3 walls, the other being open air. Maui is beautiful, a mini-paradise. The air smells amazing, fresh, and sweet, like 20 times as sweet as honeysuckle in the evening, I love it! Our condo is on the southern side of the island, with a view of Maalaea Harbor, and Haleakala.